Autumn Exhibition – Locomotion Shildon

Traders & Exhibitors

Tri-ang Man

J&J Models

North Road Trains

GM Transport Books

  BBK Models – Email:

Sawyers Models

The Junction Box

Pennine Models

Primo Models

Durham Trains

Wensleydale Railways

Anoraks Anonymous

Station Models

1825 Models Stockton

Stoneybridge Structures

Tail Lamp Enterprises

Bomber County Models

MMR Models

Thunderbolt Models

Squires Model & Craft Tools

Millfield Yard

Set in period between 1990 to early privatisation which allows for a good selection of loco liveries.

The layout set somewhere on the Southern Region around London, which allows locos from any region appearing, has a station terminus on the upper level which is 3rd rail, and a freight yard on the lower level, which deals with steel traffic. 3 reception sidings receive trains which are then shunted into the warehouse.

All the track is Peco code 55 fine scale using Seep point motors operated with pushbuttons. A lot of the buildings are scatchbuild (warehouse, viaduct, station canopies) whilst some are from the Bachmann Scenecraft range and Metcalf card kits. All scatter material is from the Woodland Scenic range.

Dapol uncouplers are used; I have used some of the Dapol magnet’s which are too large, (located on the back lines) and old Farrish magnets (from locos) for the front lines. When painted and weathered with the track they are quite difficult to see.

All locos are detailed and weathered, with close coupling of all stock.